No Copper Theft
Copper theft is a concern when using an electric pivot system. T-L’s hydrostatically powered pivot systems can be designed with no wire to steal, eliminating the problem. T-L irrigation systems are easier on you for a lifetime!
Copper Thieves Strike Again!
Thieves Strip Pivots In Lincoln County
High copper and metal prices are resulting in a rise of thefts from pivots. Thieves are stripping copper wiring and other scrap metal from the center pivots… More »
Thieves Stole the Copper Wire from All of Our 25 Electrics, One of them Twice!
“It all started the winter of 2006-2007”, says Matt Richardville who remembers that season well. “That’s when the price of copper began rapidly rising.” More »
Copper Theft Solved and Much, Much More
Brothers Jim and John Stevens utilize ten T-L and eight electric center-pivot sprinkler systems on their 4,000-acre farm near Alledale, Illinois. Their first experience with irrigation goes back 20 years when a new piece of land came equipped with an electric pivot system…. More »
When we go to start up a T-L system, it starts!
T-L pivot irrigation systems have many advantages but what makes the Carmichael brothers really keen about their T-Ls is what they don’t have: Copper wire, lots of copper wire that attracts thieves in the night like a bear to honey…. More »
For the peace of mind and the service it gives me, I think my best dollar's right here with a T-L. |
Blaine Garrelts | More |
We believe that with proper maintenance our T-Ls will run until they're 50 years old. |
Reed McClymont | More |
I don't know what it is, but I also don't seem to have as much trouble with the nozzles clogging up on the T-L units as I do with the other units. |
Dan Mercer | More |